Budget reconciliation is a complex legislative procedure that is quickly emerging in DC as a top issue to follow since it will be leveraged to advance tax policy (in addition to other issues, potentially). While it is not a new procedure (it has been used successfully 20 times since it was first done in 1980), it does deserve some attention since it will effectively remove the need to secure Democratic votes. Here are three things to keep in mind when trying to influence the budget reconciliation package:
(1) An Unknown Timeframe: While Republicans have said they hope to get the legislative package to the President’s desk by April, there is really no telling how quickly or how long it will take to build the package and, more importantly, how long it will take to secure enough votes to move it. Given the uncertainty, act early and often. You have no control over timing, so move forward on what you can control, which is how to influence the priority issue.
(2) Leave No Committee Behind: Committee chairs will have significant power in determining what in their jurisdiction should be prioritized and what will be used as an offset. Waiting until the issues move to other decision makers is a big risk, to say the least. It will be important to influence the initial committee process and the time is now to do so.
(3) Rank-and-File Members Take Center Stage: Given how narrow the Republican majorities are in the House and Senate, every policymaker inherits new influence in the process as almost all are needed to get the legislation across the finish line. While it may be ideal to get leadership behind your issue, it may not be necessary. Finding the right policymakers willing to fight for an issue will be noticed and will have to be dealt with. Everyone on the Republican side will play a role if they want to.
Budget reconciliation will be a race to secure votes and do the right math to get the bill finalized - both will be a significant challenge. Republicans are smart to get started now as there will be a number of policy hurdles they will need to overcome. For those trying to influence the process, there is no magic formula other than to get moving now, don’t ignore the committees, and find a champion willing to be aggressive.